Monday, January 26, 2009

Whether or not I would join a photoclub?

For a while now I have been thinking about joining a local photoclub.  And yet, I still haven’t joined one.  It’s not that are no options, because in my area there are quite a few photoclubs.  So why haven’t I yet? Well, first off, I’m not a very social a person, but on the other hand, I love talking about photography and looking, sharing and discussing photographs.  So the answer to the question must lie a little deeper. So I started thinking about it and I think I found the answer.  Actually answers, because in my own opinion, there are two. 

The social photographer

The first reason is called “the social photographer”.  The fact that you go out in a group to shoot something.  For me this sounds like a contradiction in terms.  For me, photography is a very personal thing.  It’s about how I see the world and the subjects I want to shoot. And wether you like it or not, when in group, it’s very hard to be personal. A couple of weeks ago I say a photoclub walking around in Antwerp.  All of a sudden I realized that I would never want to be a part of that.  Walking around with about 10 other people to take photographs. The reason being that there are a few characteristics of a group that I can’t combine with my personal views on photography.  First is the fact that in a group there are always people you like and respect, as well as people you would never hang out with if you didn’t happen to belong to the same group.  I would love to go out shooting with the first type of person, not so much with the second type though.  Second thing about a group is that wether you want it or not, there is always going to be a feeling of competition.  Especially if the group consists mainly of men. And in my opinion, competition is not really healthy for photography since it destroys objectivity.  So being a social photographer wouldn’t work for me.

The right way

The second reason for me is the thing that also keeps me of most of the photography forums.  Because when you enter a group of photographers, there are always some characters who have to tell you “the right way” to shoot something.  And yes, I know you should try to keep your subject away from the exact center of the photo, I know the 1/3-2/3 rules for shooting landscapes, etc.  But you know, some of the most interesting shots are the ones who break with the rules.  Before you start thinking, “oh he just can’t handle critique”, this is not true. I love it when somebody comments on my photographs and proposes a new way of looking at a subject, or a new technique to shoot something.  I will always try it out.  But this is very different than comments like “your subject can’t be in the center of the photo”, or “your horizon is way to high or low”.  And whether you sign up for a forum or sign up for a photoclub, there are always these kind of people.  And to be honest, I don’t want to spend my spare time listening to people like that, let alone go on a photoshoot with them. 

The alternative

I think the best alternative is not to join a photoclub, but just go out with your friends and bring your cameras.  If you think of a place you want to go and take some pictures, invite someone along (if you feel like it of course).  This way, you can still share the moment with others, they can take pictures too if they want, but you don’t get that “this saturday we have to go shooting with the club” nonsense.  The best (amatuer) photography is done spontaniously, when you feel like it and thus enjoy it most.  When you start to plan when you have to go out shooting, you’re inevitably going to be disappointed or disencouraged sometimes. So my advice is, go out when you want, invite one or two people, and share and discuss with people that you know and whos opinions you trust and respect. 

Again, this is my opinion.  I know there are a lot of people in photography clubs and loving every second of it.  That’s great for you, really! And eventhough sometimes I wish I could be one of you, you won’t see me joining a club in the near future. So do your thing and most of all … enjoy! 


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Ronny Gabriels
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