Friday, March 27, 2009

Andy Warhol in Paris

A brief bit of culture unrelated to photography.  Actually not entirely unrelated but more on that later.  I just wanted to make you aware of a brilliant exhibition that is going on in Paris.  In the Grand Palais in Paris, you can visit “Le grand monde d’Andy Warhol” which features a truly amazing collection of Warhols “portraits”.  You know the colorprinted or colored-in prints of famous people. 

Amazing about this particular show is not only the fact that so many of these works are brought together (from musea and personal collections) in groups of four or more, but also that it includes the polaroids they were based on and some of Warhol’s other photographic and cinematic works.  It’s just an unique collection on display in a setting that makes you feel just one thing: “This is how these works should be on display”. 

Now I know that Paris is not on most people’s doorstep.  But if you are going to Paris between now and the 13th of July, make sure you have seen it.  Also, if you are a big Warhol fan, drive to Paris for one day, visit the Grand Palais and come back, it will be worth it!  

A word to the wise concerning photography.  It’s not allowed inside! Although no clear signs are posted that you can’t shoot photos inside, I got to talk to a very angry guard demanding that I put away my camera or leave.  (I still got of one shot, that I will post later on the website).

Exhibition “Le Grand Monde d’Andy Warhol” by Andy warhol 
March 18th, 2009 until July 13th, 2009 
Price: 11€
Grand Palais, Champs Elysées, Paris, France 
more information here.


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