Monday, May 18, 2009

I’ve got some catching up to do

It has been a little quiet here hasn’t it?  I know and I’m sorry.  The last two weeks have been a bit hectic.  There were some photos that had to get priority in post-production and publication.  This means I now (including the ones I shot yesterday at Zolder) have about 2500 photos to go through for post-production and publication.  And of course I want to write a small blog post for all the shoots I did over the last two weeks.  Luckily in Belgium, this week has a holiday in it, so I hope to be up to date again by the weekend. 

What can you expect this week?  A report on a shoot for a first communion party.  The pictures of this are online, but are password protected due to the private nature of them. Second a report and photos from the Le Mans Series race at Spa-Francrochamps on the 10th.  Some of the photos of this race can already be seen on my Flickr page, but check back here or on the website for more and high-res photos.  And finally, there was the Zolder Star Festival yesterday at … Zolder of course.  So photos and a report of this event are also coming later this week.

Hope to see you back here soon. 


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Ronny Gabriels
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