2010 … A new beginning
Finally, the revamped blog has arrived and so it’s time to start anew with this blog. I started in October 2008 with the Smugmug site and this blog and over the course of one year tested out what I could do with both mediums. I must say that it all worked pretty well, but not entirely like I had hoped. This mainly because I focused so hard on the site and the galleries (which of course are the “main event”) that I neglected the blog. The blog turned out to be more of a “What’s new on the site” than anything else. And that’s exactly what I want to change in 2010. I know it’s already a month in, but it took me quite a bit more time than I had anticipated.
So what can you expect? First off, the “What’s new on the site” will still be a part of the blog, but in addition, I will post much more. From individual photos I took to reviews and impressions of stuff I tested or just want (I’m on a budget ;-)), from things I find on the web to opinions about photography and what’s going on in the world of photography. I will try to minimize the personal opinions about other stuff to a minimum, but I can’t guarantee anything ;-).
The idea behind the entire revamp is to make the blog the center of my online universe. This universe includes the following online spots:
- The website: http://ronnygabriels.smugmug.com, the place where you can find all my actual photographic work.
- The blog: http://ronnygabriels.blogspot.com, the center where I will post new photos, critiques, opinions, site updates, stories, etc.
- The Flickr gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elron187, this will get a revamp as well to show less of my work, but more of the “special editions” and portfolio material.
- The Twitter account: http://www.twitter.com/ronnygabriels, where I will post small updates, moods I’m in, links to new blog posts, etc.
- The Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com, become my friend and see updates. Warning I use this very scarcely, but I will be posting photographic events I will attend throughout the year.
So that’s my online universe for now and in the following months I will be trying out exactly how and how much I will be using all these media sources, so please bear with me. What rests is to finish this post and start writing some interesting material.
See you soon, Ronny
PS: I started a series of post last year about our trip to the USA and its national parks. You can see all the photos on the site, but I won’t be finishing that series as most of the details would take me way too much time to remember. I will share the best stories of that trip as I post some of the individual photos from that trip later on.
All images displayed in this blog are copyrighted by Ronny Gabriels Photography unless otherwise indicated. None of the images on this site may be used without prior consent of the author.
- Behind the Shot (1)
- Concert Photography (1)
- Day at the Races (1)
- Festival (1)
- In the Picture (3)
- Landscape (1)
- Miscellaneous (8)
- Nature (2)
- New on the Site (8)
- Racing (6)
- TechTalk (2)
- Timelaps (1)
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