Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My revenge on the sunset

On Sunday, Antwerp harbor was the site of a gorgeous sunset. Sadly I was in the car and without a camera. Although I felt a bit of a warm glow seeing it's beauty, my inner photographer died a little bit.
Yesterday, I got my revenge.  I went out to shoot a panorama of the Antwerp skyline and in doing so stumbled upon a sunset rivalling that of Sunday.  Not quite as perfect, but hey, you can't have it all. The photos here are from about twenty minutes after the sun disappeared behind the horizon and were taken on a location that I drove after my panorama shots were taken.

Beautiful right?  Not only the sky itself, but also the entire setting.  So I decided to even include my car.  I washed it by hand on Sunday so actually I was just showing off a bit ;-)

Aah well, one more for the road ...

I'll be uploading some more of the photos of that shoot (including the panorama's) later this week on the website.  So stay tuned. 


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